​Friday 25 februari 2021, 20:00
The Hague: Kloosterkerk

Around olivier messiaen

Dreaming like Messiaen

past concert

Tickets:  € 10 – € 27,50

​Geerten van de Wetering organ
Marcel Wierckx video projections
Johan Luijmes visual design 

Olivier Messiaen

​La Nativité du seigneur

Dit concert komt tot stand in samenwerking met Podium 21.

​A hallucinatory experience

​ The award winning organist Geerten van de Wetering performs Messiaen’s organ cycle La Nativité du Seigneur. His performance is accompanied by spectacular projections on his organ. They show the colours that Messiaen composed in his music. He possessed the gift of synaesthesia: for every timbre and chord he saw a matching colour. To bring the colour spectrum of his music to life, Marcel Wierckx built an ingenious video installation. A hallucinatory experience, in sound and image. In the monumental Kloosterkerk.

The live generated video images are based on the nine pastel drawings the French painter Charles Blanc-Gatti (1890-1966) made on the occasion of one of the first performances of La Nativité du Seigneur in 1936. Blanc-Gatti, a friend of Messiaen, was one of the founders of Musicalism, an art movement in which painters translated sounds and music into visual art. 

​​“I give bird songs to those who dwell in cities and have never heard them, make rhythms for those who know only military marches or jazz, and paint colors for those who see none.”

Olivier Messiaen